
Managed Hosting

Server Management

Let's be honest, most companies tell you they can manage any server you give them and no doubt they can; but can they do it well? We focus exclusively on Microsoft-based server technology - so if you're looking for a Unix solution, we're not it. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a top notch Windows management solution then look no further.

Server management can take many forms, from simply ensuring the latest patches for key applications are installed, to helping to streamline MS-SQL for maximum performance, to locking down IIS to protect against hacking attempts.

Managed ServicesDescriptionPricing
Basic Windows Server Configuration
  • Pentium III 1.2 Ghz
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 80GB IDE RAID 1
  • Dual 10/100 NIC
  • Windows 2000 Server
  • From $299/month*
    Custom Windows Server Configurations
    In need of a customized server solution? We will design and build servers to suit your specifications.
    Contact us for a quote.
    Advanced Windows Implementation Server Management
  • Windows 2000 Server
        & Advanced Server
  • MS SQL Server
  • MS Biztalk Server
  • Network management
  • Backup & Restore
  • VPN
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Contact us to request a proposal.

    Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

    VPN allows secure networking over either internal networks or the public Internet via equipment or software located within the network. VPN tunnels can be established using a variety of protocols and encryption methods, along with specific policies to help govern how data and what kind of data can be transited.

    Network Hardware

    A wide variety of hardware is used throughout the network at different stages. Each rack of servers is controlled by an Alteon 184 Web Switch with either a FE (100Mbps/s) CAT5 uplink to the network, or GigE (1000Mbps/s) fiber uplink depending on bandwidth requirements. For normal applications, the Cisco 2924XL-EN Managed Switch is used for connectivity from the Alteon; for higher performance applications Dell PowerConnect 5224 Managed Switches with CAT5e (1000Mbps/s) ports are used.


    RackSys can help monitor your servers to help ensure maximum uptime and availability. Not only server availability can be tracked, but services such as web or file access can be checked as well. Content returned from the service can also be check to ensure that even though the service may be operating, that it is supplying the correct information.

    Depending on your specific requirements, when problems are detected you can choose from a variety of notification options, from email to pagers to SMS messaging for cellular phones. Group notification is also available to help create 'response teams', where all members receive all messages or only the first message within a specified time period.

    Backup and Restore

    Losing or accidentally overwriting critical data can be catastrophic, but it doesn't have to be. RackSys will provide backup storage services to whatever frequency your business may require:
    • Hourly to Storage Area Network
    • Daily, weekly, monthly to tapes
    • Off site storage of tape in a secure vault.
    • Restoration of data from disc or tape
    Passive Intrusion Detection (IDS)

    Keeping servers on the Internet secure requires being not just making sure your computer is locked down and has the latest security fixes installed, but also that you're aware of what kinds of requests outside of the norm are being made. Passive monitoring of servers is accomplished using port mirroring at the switch level, so no performance degradation happens, nor is any client software installed on machines being monitored. Advanced filters can be specified on a per server basis to help eliminate false warning from more common but less threatening activities, such as port scanning.

    Advanced Security

    Security doesn't just mean putting a firewall up, or making sure the latest patches are installed on a particular solution - it needs to be looked at as an end-to-end solution, with meticulous efforts being taken at each step. Our Advanced Security option is a combination of all our managed options (server, network, and firewall). At the server level we custom configure IPSec rules specific to each machine and its typical tasks, securely locking everything else down. At the network level we put Access Client Lists in place to block common unwanted services from communicating between servers or out onto the Internet. Finally, at the firewall level we block all traffic except that which we explicitly allow. By taking this three-tier approach, the vast majority of common exploits are stopped cold.

    RackSys Hosting Solutions
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