
Server Colocation

Data Center Colocation Services

For questions, comments, or for more information, please contact us here.

Server Colocation
  • enclosed cabinet
  • power
  • Ethernet drop
  • $50/month each U of rackspace

    $100 set up
    Dedicated Cabinet
  • 40 U
  • 20 amp 120V whip (16 amp usable)
  • Ethernet drop
  • FE available
  • $1000/month

    $499 - setup
    Remote Hands
    Scheduled (during business hours)
    Remote Hands
    Unscheduled or outside normal business hours

    Dedicated Bandwidth Pricing*

    Minimum CommitmentMonthly Recurring Charge
    Burst Rate
    (Rate limiting available)
    1 to 5 Mbps
    6 to 10 Mbps
    11 to 20 Mbps
    21 Mbps and above
    Contact us for pricing

        * Based on 95th percentile peak utilization calculation.

    To see how we calculate bandwidth prices, click here.

    RackSys Hosting Solutions
    Copyright 2004 - 2008 RackSys
    All rights reserved